CORRECTION CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION JAN 27-8383 7152 * 2.00 JAN27-83bS T™ * 5.00 THE PADDOCK CONDOMINIUM WHEREAS, on the 26th day of January, 1983, The Hamlets Corporation (Declarant) acting fcy and through its duly authorized President, filed of record the Condominium Declaration for The Paddock Condominium, said Declaration being filed of record in Volume 7973, Fage 71, Condominium Records Travis County, Texas; and WHEREAS, said Declaration and Exhibits thereto make reference to The Paddock Home Owner's Association Inc. , a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the correct name of said non-profit corporation is The Austin Paddock Home Owners Association Inc.; and WHEREAS, the Declarant now desires to correct said Declaration and any references therein of the association from The Paddock Home Owner's Association Inc. to The Austin Paddock Home Owner's Association Inc. NOW THEREFORE NOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: All references to The Paddock Home Owner's Association in said Declaration and Exhibit thereto filed of record at Volume 7973, Page 71, of the Condominium Records of Travis County, Texas, is hereby corrected to read THE AUSTIN PADDOCK HOME OWNER'S INC. . . In witness whereof Declarant has hereunder set his hand and seal this day of > 1983. BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared McClure Bintliff, President of The Hamlets Corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, known to me to be the person and office whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such THE HAMLETS CORPORATION Secretary Rtv\ot.n u_s L.'d.vvjy-o-v THE STATE OF TEXAS § § § COUNTY OF TRAVIS corporation for the purposes and1consideration therein express and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this JL 7 dav of /h. , 1983. NOTARY seal N6tary Public in and for The State of Texas My Commission Expires: ROSS W.ARIS SN-DSR nctaw puauc COMMISSION EXPiRES 3/31/33 CONDOMINIUM RECORDS TRAVIS COUNTY TEXAS, 3-08-3492 5i!..?n 1381 27 PH W Oh n$mmm wjnmit uWtS I hereby cecjjfy that this ¦: HUS on tha slate and at Hit. time mapr.i<¦ '¦<¦-<.ay ms; ant) was only flEC0Bt)£!i. in the Volume Siivi ;';a5C.: o'- the nsiiistl RECORDS of Travis County, Terras, as sump hares# by ir.a, on J/iW S'/ 1983 COUNTV CLERK timws couniy, texas » t.-